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/ Loadstar 14 / 014.d81 / write guard (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  2022-08-26  |  2KB  |  43 lines

  1. 5 gosub60000
  2. 10 c=53280:s=53265:d=59516:e=65126:pokec,34:pokec+1,2:poke808,234
  3. 20 print"[147]"tab(44)"put the disk to guard or un-guard"
  4. 30 printtab(12)"in the disk drive."
  5. 40 printtab(47)" press any key when ready ":gosub240:poke198,0:wait198,1
  6. 50 printtab(13)"[145][158] warning!! ":print"  once guarded, only re-formatting or"
  7. 60 printtab(2)"using this program will again allow"
  8. 70 print"  writing to this disk.":printtab(11)" continue? (y/n)":gosub240
  9. 80 getk$:ifk$="n"then250
  10. 90 ifk$<>"y"then80
  11. 100 printtab(16)"[145][153] okay "
  12. 110 open15,8,15,"i":open8,8,8,"#":print#15,"ua:"8;0;18;0:print#15,"b-p:"8;2
  13. 120 printtab(43)"enter 'g'[146] to guard the disk, or..."
  14. 130 printtab(9)"'u'[146] to un-guard the disk...":gosub240
  15. 140 getk$:ifk$<>"g"andk$<>"u"then140
  16. 150 p$="un-guarded.":ifk$="g"thenp$="guarded..."
  17. 160 printtab(16)"[145][159] okay ":printtab(43)" the disk is now being "p$"[158]":gosub240
  18. 170 ifk$="g"then210
  19. 180 print#8,"a";:print#15,"m-w";chr$(1);chr$(1);chr$(1);chr$(65)
  20. 190 print#15,"m-w";chr$(2);chr$(7);chr$(1);chr$(65)
  21. 200 print#15,"b-p:"8,165:print#8,"2a";:goto220
  22. 210 print#8,"4";:print#15,"b-p:"8,165:print#8,"wg";:
  23. 220 print#15,"ub:"8;0;18;0:close8:print#15,"i":close15:fori=1to2000:next
  24. 230 pokes,11:printtab(240)tab(255)"[155] all done [154]":goto260
  25. 240 fori=1to20:print"* [158]";:next:print:pokec,(peek(c)and15)+1:return
  26. 250 printtab(50)" program aborted "
  27. 260 pokes,27:fori=1to1500:next:poke808,237:goto63000
  28. 60000 t$="                         ":c=0:c$="":print"[147]":poke53281,0
  29. 60030 printspc(7)""t$:printspc(7)"      [215]rite [199]uard        [146]"
  30. 60051 printspc(7)""t$:print:printtab(18)"by"
  31. 60060 print:printspc(14)"[210].[215]. [203]ober"
  32. 60070 print:printspc(12)"[195]opyright 1985"
  33. 60080 print:print:print:print"     [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] is not public domain."
  34. 60090 print:print"  [208]lease respect the author's rights."
  35. 60100 print:print"      [208]ress space bar to continue."
  36. 60110 forcc=1to48:getk$:ifk$=" "then60130
  37. 60120 ifcc=1thenprintmid$(c$,c+2,1)"[145][145]";:c=not(c)
  38. 60125 next:goto60100
  39. 60130 printc$:return
  40. 63000 rem  connect to l.s.
  41. 63010 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
  42. 63020 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:        end